Actions and Projects

Integrated assessment of the combined effects of ocean acidification and deoxygenation (BEACH)

Wundervogel type practical training (Graduate School of Global Food Resources)

Holding public symposiums on the theme of gender and sexuality

Ministry of the Environment "Model Project for Measures to Reduce Marine Litter through Cooperation with Multiple Local Governments"

Peace Tourism Research (Core Researcher: Associate Professor Seong-Guk Kim)

Social system research for plastic resource circulation and emission control: Establishment of an evaluation system for 3R plus and marine plastic emission control measures

Record the relationship between communities and natural resources, and envision future relationships

Hyperdemocracy: Realizing a large-scale consensus building platform based on social multi-agents

SDGs training and creation of a local circular and symbiotic zone in Yoichi Town

Arctic Initiative for Future Earth and SDGs (HAI-FES)