Let us introduce the features of the 12 undergraduate schools.
Let us introduce the features of the 12 undergraduate schools.

School of Humanities and Human Sciences
The academic fields that can be studied in School of Humanities and Human Sciences are wide and diverse, and include philosophical and bird's-eye thinking that forms the basis of various academic disciplines. For this reason, School of Humanities and Human Sciences conducts a great deal of research related to the foundations of the SDGs. In particular, literature and sociology...

School of Education
The SDGs are supported by the principle (human security) that all people should be freed from poverty and fear and have equal opportunities to develop their potential. This philosophy cannot be realized without education (SDG4 - All people...

School of Law
Through systematic study of law and politics, the Faculty acquires universal knowledge related to law and politics as the institutional basis of society. I have the professional knowledge to be active...

School of Economics and Business
The word "economy" is an abbreviation of the idiom 經世濟民, which means "to rule the world and to run the people." Therefore, the economy is not limited to the scope of economics, but also refers to ``improving society as a whole and making people happy''...

School of Science
Science is an academic field that unravels the mysteries of the natural world and mathematics and discovers the truth based on intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness. The development of science and technology supported by that wisdom has brought about the prosperity of modern society. The work of science and technology is the history of mankind itself...

Department of Medicine, School of Medicine
Hokkaido University Department of Medicine, School of Medicine celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019, and has produced many talented people who are active in the field of medicine and medical care not only in Hokkaido but also in Japan and globally. Our educational goals are broad medical knowledge, high ethics...

Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine
The Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine Hokkaido University consists of five departments: Nursing, Radiological Technology, Laboratory Technology, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. On the other hand, the Graduate School Graduate School of Health Sciences and...

School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine and Graduate Graduate School of Dental Medicine have been aiming to contribute to a sustainable society even before the word SDGs was used. Among the 17 goals of the SDGs, "health and well-being for all," "quality education," and "people and...

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy has two departments, the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (4th year) and the Department of Pharmacy (6th year). In each department, we train human resources who can contribute to the improvement of medical care and health common to all humankind through their activities as scientists, researchers, and pharmacists.

School of Agriculture
In order to achieve the SDGs, it is essential for the participating members to have a common understanding based on science, so I think that society will increasingly want human resources with excellent literacy regarding food, resources, energy, and the environment. So far, agricultural science...

School of Veterinary Medicine
School of Veterinary Medicine offers cutting-edge veterinary clinical practice, “Zoobiquity” (panzoology), which aims to improve the health of both human and animal diseases through collaboration between medicine and veterinary medicine, animal-derived infectious diseases, and the environment. Concerning pollution problems and conservation of ecology...

School of Fisheries Sciences
In 1880, Dr. John C. Cutter, a foreign teacher at the newly opened Sapporo Agricultural College, gave a lecture on fisheries in a zoology class, which is considered to be the beginning of fisheries education in Japan. Many natural sciences use Europe and the United States as models...

School of Engineering
Under the university's four University Philosophies, School of Engineering aims to foster engineers and engineering researchers who can take responsibility for society and the environment in the 21st century. With the development of highly skilled professionals as our educational goal...