School of Veterinary Medicine offers cutting-edge veterinary clinical practice, “Zoobiquity” (panzoology), which aims to improve the health of both human and animal diseases through collaboration between medicine and veterinary medicine, animal-derived infectious diseases, and the environment. We conduct highly specialized research and education on pollution problems and ecological conservation. At our university, we have acquired the European veterinary education international accreditation (EAEVE) and AAALAC (The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International) for animal facilities, and we provide education of international standards.
School of Veterinary Medicine conducts education and research based on "One Health." "One World-One Health" refers to the Manhattan Principles proposed in 2004, and is a concept that regards the health of humans, animals, and the environment as a single unit of health. This One Health is closely related to the SDGs that aim for sustainable goals, and many SDGs include this One Health concept.
We also send our undergraduate students overseas, and we offer opportunities in Europe (University of Edinburgh), the United States (Colorado State University), Thailand (Kasetsart University, Chulalongkorn University), and Zambia (University of Zambia), which cannot be learned in Japan alone. We also provide global veterinary education. Veterinary medicine is truly a boundary study that serves as a bridge between humans, animals, and the environment.