2020.09.09 国際獣医師人材を育成する獣医学教育成果展開プログラム(旧:大学の世界展開力強化事業 日本とタイの獣医学教育連携:アジアの健全な発展のために) 臨床実習修了証あり東南アジアGlobal獣医学
2020.09.09 Human Resource Development Platform for Japan-Russia Economic Cooperation and Personnel Exchange (HaRP) International exchangeRussiaIndustry-academia-government collaborationGlobal
2020.09.09 Implementation and Effectiveness Verification of Risk-based Control Approaches for Lead Contaminated Environment and Lead Poisoning in Zambian Mining District AfricaSoil contaminationField research
2020.09.09 Center of Innovation (COI) Program “Innovative Food & Healthcare MASTER” Regional collaborationFoodstuffChildren
2020.09.09 Visualization of the Impact of Chronic / Latent Chemical Hazard and Geo-Ecological Remediation in Zambia SATREPSAfricaSoil contaminationMulti disciplinaryField research