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Our university was selected for the FY2020 University/Technical College Functional Strengthening Support Project (Support related to functional strengthening aimed at securing highly skilled information specialist human resources)
"Hokkaido University Alliance" has been established.
A consortium consisting of industry, academia, government and finance, "Team Sapporo-Hokkaido" has been established.
We have concluded a "Collaboration Agreement on Zero Carbon Demonstration Project on Hokkaido University Campus"
Hokkaido University Ambassador Rashid Sumaila received the 2023 Tyler Prize
Hokkaido University Ranked 22nd in the World (1st in Japan) in THE Impact Ranking 2023
Oshoromaru, a training ship affiliated with School of Fisheries Sciences, will sail to the North Pole for the first time in five years.
Announcement of the start of the Regional Fisheries Co-Creation Center “Make Hakodate a better city! Project”
Our university's Ainu and Indigenous Research Center has concluded a collaboration agreement with Teshikaga Town.
Our University's Faculty of Information Science and Technology and Technology will use drones and AI technology to help investigate the amount of CO2 absorbed by blue carbon in the natural kelp fishing area off the Erimo Town coast.