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Our university and Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. jointly established the "Dementia Comprehensive Research Department"
A joint survey of marine plastic waste by five universities, including our university, received the Japan Society of Fisheries Science Technology Award.
Our university's Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Bifuka Town, and Softbank have signed an industry-academia-government partnership agreement for next-generation sturgeon farming.
Hokkaido Gas Faculty of Engineering and Hokkaido Gas have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of "creating a comfortable society through energy and environment optimization."
11 universities, including our university's Faculty of Medicine have concluded a consortium agreement with the IAEA.
Earth observation results jointly developed by Hokkaido University and Tohoku University received both the “Global Award” and “Excellence Award” in the Academy & Junior Academy category of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation x SDGs Awards.
Our university's Ainu and Indigenous Research Center has concluded a partnership agreement with the Akan Ainu Association, Kushiro Ainu Association, Akan Ainu Consultation General Incorporated Association, and Kushiro City.
Our University's Institute of Low Temperature Science has signed a collaboration agreement with Kanazawa University's Center for Environmental Research in the Japanese Sea Region.
Adding the value of biodiversity to rice! Promoting conservation through label certification Possibility of differentiation within biodiversity conservation through certification and identification of conservation symbol species
How much do eggs cost? ~Elucidating the multifaceted effects that the introduction of animal welfare-friendly breeding methods has on producers and consumers~