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[Call for Abstracts] The 9th GEWEX-OSC (9th Global Energy And Water Exchanges Open Science Conference)
The President’s Adventures in Knowledge-Land Vol. 1 ``Five Values of Dinosaur Research'' has been released.
Sea urchin content has been published on Fish of the Month (FoM)
A new video and article have been released on the “Understanding the Impact of Climate Change” special website.
ArCS II booth ``On the front lines of global warming, what is the reality of the Arctic?'' was exhibited at Science Agora 2023.
Crowdfunding “Hope for global warming countermeasures | Please support urgent large-scale research on blue carbon!”
President’s Column No.5 “The day the language barrier disappears” has been published
NHK will introduce the activities of Hokkaido University's startup company "Esolink LLC"
Exhibited at Science Festa 2023
Sturgeon content has been published on Fish of the Month (FoM)