Announcement of the 62nd Clock Tower Salon “Let’s ask School of Agriculture”
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

A new lecture "Where is the problem of Hokkaido's dairy crisis" has been added to "Lectures on SDGs by researchers"

Earth observation results jointly developed by Hokkaido University and Tohoku University received both the “Global Award” and “Excellence Award” in the Academy & Junior Academy category of the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation x SDGs Awards.

Hokkaido University Research Seeds Collection

Content about flounder and flounder has been published on Fish of the Month (FoM)

Announcement of “SDGs x Hokkaido Seminar 2023” hosted by our university, Hokkaido, and JICA Hokkaido
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Adding the value of biodiversity to rice! Promoting conservation through label certification Possibility of differentiation within biodiversity conservation through certification and identification of conservation symbol species

How much do eggs cost? ~Elucidating the multifaceted effects that the introduction of animal welfare-friendly breeding methods has on producers and consumers~

Announcement of the 127th Science Cafe Sapporo “Milk to Make Soil” sponsored by our university CoSTEP
- Host
- Perform/Present

BS-TBS will broadcast about our university's SDGs initiatives.
- Perform/Present

Announcement of “Regional Fisheries Co-Creation Center” kick-off event and first regional roundtable meeting
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public