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第2回 Future Earth 日本サミット2022「Future Earthは、人新世にどう取り組むべきか」が開催され、本学の山内太郎教授(保健科学研究院)が司会を務めました
「わたしたちと、食料システムサミットvol.2~担い手それぞれの視点から考える~」で、本学の地球環境科学研究院 山中康裕教授が講演を行いました。
On March 11, 2022, a symposium was held for the entire coalition of universities and other institutions that contribute to achieving carbon neutrality (report).
Professor Makoto Demura of Faculty of Advanced Life Science has been certified as an SDGs.TV certified learning coach.
We explained our university's SDGs-related initiatives at the online Japan Study Abroad Fair (Sub-Saharan Africa) for those wishing to study abroad at graduate school.
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"Graduate school common course subjects" can now be searched by the 17 SDG goals
Professor Makoto Demura will appear on HBC “Agri Kingdom Hokkaido NEXT”