In the Arctic region, where global warming is progressing rapidly, it is not only causing changes in the environment but also having an impact on human society, and these impacts are also extending to the natural environment and society outside the Arctic region. For this reason, there is an urgent need internationally to understand the actual state of environmental change and find solutions, adaptation measures, and mitigation measures for its social and economic impacts. This project is a collaboration between Arctic Research Center, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Faculty of Science, and Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, to strengthen the domestic industry-academia-government collaboration network and conduct overseas research as an international collaborative research base. Together with the institute, we launched the Future Earth Global Arctic-Net (FEGA-Net), and together with Arctic researchers from around the world, we will study the changing state of the natural environment and its changing mechanisms. We are conducting research on sustainability that addresses the needs of the Arctic region, and proposing policies for sustainable social and economic development in the face of change. At Hokkaido University, we have formed the Hokkaido University FE Consortium (HUFEC) with departments and researchers interested in FE and SDGs, and are active members of the FE Japan Committee. Furthermore, through reorganization that includes the participation of Arctic Research Center in the Graduate Graduate School of Environmental Science, we aim to continue to develop human resources who can play an active role in the Arctic field.
*The above figure is a schematic diagram of FEGA-Net. FEGA-Net aims to accumulate academic knowledge from around the world, elucidating the reality of the changing natural environment and its change mechanisms, research on sustainability that responds to the needs of the Arctic region, and research on society and economy facing changes. We will work on policy recommendations for the sustainable development of the world. In other words, we aim to build an FE Arctic network.