Announcement of the 33rd Hokkaido University Literature café "The sounds Basho heard, the sounds I hear - Interpretation of Japanese classical literature and shared knowledge"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Announcement of the REREC Kick-off Event for the Joint Project Base "Regions and Renewable Energy of the Future: Towards a Nature-Positive and Community-Positive Society"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Joint project base "Renewable Energy Research & Education Center (REREC)"

Announcement of Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2024 Summer International Symposium "The Crucible of a New World? Russia's Borderlands at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century"
- Host
- Perform/Present

Announcement of Hokkaido University Museum 4th Saturday Public Seminar in 2024, "The Slavic World Seen Through Letters"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Announcement of the "Kamishihoro Town x Hokkaido University Whole Exchange Festival"
- Host
- Perform/Present

Announcement of the exhibition "Learning about the language, life, history, and exchange of the Ainu people through books" held at Hokkaido University Office of Ainu Relations and Initiatives and Kita Library

Announcement of the FY2024 Graduate Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Open Lecture "Technologies and challenges in biology: Clues to solving environmental issues"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

A new video and article have been released on the “Understanding the Impact of Climate Change” special website.

Announcement of the start of the "Courtyard Project" Faculty of Health Sciences

Announcement of the "2024 Open Lecture: Earthquakes and Disaster Prevention in Hokkaido" held by the Earthquake and Volcano Research Center Faculty of Science
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students