Announcement of Hokkaido University School of Agriculture Symposium "AgriTech Revolution: New Agriculture Supported by AI and IoT"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Hokkaido University x Japan Securities Dealers Association SDGs Symposium "Building a Sustainable Future from Hokkaido - Promoting GX Finance through Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration" Announcement
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public

Hokkaido University Hult Prize Intramural Competition 2024-25 to be held

Hokkaido University and Hakodate City Sign Comprehensive Partnership Agreement

Announcement of the "Hokkaido University Career Support Symposium - Aiming for Diverse Career Paths from Undergraduate to Doctoral Level"

Announcement of the Hokkaido University Data-Driven Interdisciplinary Research Emergence Center (D-RED) "Special Session on Data-Driven Interdisciplinary Research/Digital Human Resource Development from Hokkaido"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public

HOPS Career Seminar/Open Lecture "Thinking about Social Issues" to be Held
- Host

Announcement of "Informatics for all by all" jointly held by eight universities

Hokkaido University staff will be speaking at the "Integrated Knowledge Workshop: Social Change and Business Opportunities Opened Up by Integrative Knowledge" hosted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency/Cabinet Office.
- Perform/Present

Announcement of "Data Science Symposium" to be held by Mathematics and Data Science Education and Research Center (MDSC)
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public