2022.07.11 Announcement of the 24th Applied Ethics and Applied Philosophy Study Group “Developing a Theory of the Women’s Labor Movement Aiming at the Liberation of Women Workers” Host
2022.06.23 Announcement of on-campus FD/SD seminar “Understanding Unconscious Bias” HostInternal Only Diversity
2022.06.02 Roundtable discussion between female researchers and the university president: “President Hogan wants to hear it!”~Hokkaido University D&I Conference'' has been released. President
2022.04.12 Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) (DEI Promotion Headquarters) has been established
2022.01.14 Announcement of the symposium “How to survive in the uncertain times ahead using diversity as a weapon - Messages from stakeholders” Host
2021.11.10 Announcement of D&I campaign “6 months for Hokkaido University to think about diversity and inclusion”