Faculty of Veterinary Medicine conducts cutting-edge research based on "One Health." "One World-One Health" refers to the Manhattan Principles proposed in 2004, and is a concept that regards the health of humans, animals, and the environment as a single unit of health. This One Health is deeply related to the SDGs. “Neglected infectious diseases” is related to SDG1, SDG2 includes “food safety”, SDG3 “ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being”, as well as SDG6 “clean water and sanitation”, Many SDGs encompass this concept of One Health, including SDG13 “Climate Change”, SDG14 “Water Wellness”, SDG15 “Land Life”, and SGD17 “Partnerships”.
We focus on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, state-of-the-art clinical practice, interdisciplinary conservation medicine including a variety of disciplines regardless of science and humanities, and cooperation between medicine and veterinary medicine based on the commonalities between human and animal diseases. We are conducting highly specialized research on "Zoobiquity (panzoology)" that leads to improvement. At the One Haelth Research Center, we are building a research data bank related to SDGs, conducting research on Zoobiquity, conservation medicine, and infectious diseases, and accepting trainees. Regarding the SDGs, we play a truly boundary role in bridging the gap between humans, animals, and the environment.