2024.10.07 文学研究院 応用倫理・応用哲学研究教育センター公開シンポジウム「トランス ジェンダーと医療」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.10.03 令和6年度 低温科学研究所 公開講座 「広がる低温の魅力 〜ミクロからマクロまで〜」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.24 Announcement of "Learning from ADAPTIVE REUSE in the Netherlands" hosted by the Faculty of Engineering Architectural Design Laboratory HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.20 HOPS Seminar "Interactive Municipal Management Role-Playing Game SIMULATION Hokkaido 2035" to be held Host
2024.09.20 Announcement of public lecture “Towards overcoming infectious diseases” HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.20 Announcement of Hokkaido University School of Dental Medicine Alumni Association 50th Anniversary Event HostPerform/Present
2024.09.19 Announcement of Information Session for Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine and Graduate School of Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Excellence Program (Held in person and online) HostPerform/Present
2024.09.18 Announcement of the Graduate Faculty of Education Public Symposium "For those who cannot remain indifferent to bullying" HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.12 Announcement of the 2nd Open Lecture at the Child Development Clinical Research Center: "What is Intercultural Education? - Hints for Multicultural Coexistence Learned from Italy" HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students