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新・北大ブランドのご紹介「北大の実り ラズベリークランチチョコ」「北大の実り ラズベリークリームサンド」
A "purified water stand" will be installed on a trial basis at the Hokkaido University Co-op Northern Cafeteria
Crowdfunding "The Frontline of Dinosaur Research: Searching for Traces of Dinosaurs that Lived in the Extremely Cold"
A new video and article have been released on the “Understanding the Impact of Climate Change” special website.
Hokkaido Marathon 2024 SDGs Initiatives, including the Kitamite Garden SDGs Farm Project, Win the BEST THINK Award at the Japan Association of Athletics Federations Athletics Awards 2024
Call for students for the “Circumpolar Studies Online Course” Winter Semester
[Calling for student participants] Announcement of the Hult Prize 2024-25 Intramural Competition
Announcement of the seminar "Considering the progression and retention of students with a history of foster care into higher education: learning from US fostering higher education" co-hosted by the Child Development Clinical Research Center attached to Faculty of Education
President’s Column No.11 “A blue Nobel Prize week” has been published