The "Kitami Garden SDGs Farm" is a collaborative project between the Hokkaido University Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability SDGs Project Promotion Division and the Hokkaido Marathon Organizing Committee, which aims to promote resource recycling on campus through the utilization of leaf litter made from fallen leaves collected at Hokkaido University's Sapporo Campus. This project is designed to promote the recycling of resources on campus, not only with the university's students and faculty but also with the local community.
The SDGs garden, located in the courtyard of the museum, is created and managed by the volunteer group "Kitamite Garden" of Hokkaido University Museum, which consists mainly of Hokkaido University faculty and staff, the Hokkaido Marathon Secretariat, and Hokkaido University students.
Project Organization
Planning: Hokkaido University Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, Hokkaido Marathon Secretariat
Cooperation: Kitamite Garden, Museum Cafe POLAS, Hokkaido University Museum, Hokkaido University Facilities Department, Hokkaido University Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Sapporo Research Forest and Biological Production Research Farm
Background of project initiation
Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus has been used as part of the course of the Hokkaido Marathon since 2009. Hokkaido University Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability Both the Hokkaido University SDGs Project Promotion Division and the Hokkaido Marathon Secretariat have been discussing ways to further deepen their existing collaboration on the theme of SDGs. This project was realized with the cooperation of Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Sapporo Research Forest and Bioproduction Research Farm, as well as Kitamite Garden, Museum Cafe POLAS, Hokkaido University Museum, and the Hokkaido University Facilities Department, with the aim of enhancing the sustainability of the Sapporo Campus, which will continue to be used as the Hokkaido Marathon course.
Press Release* Go to the University's core website