Professor Fumiko Nakao

Affiliation: Professor, Graduate Graduate School of Public Policy

If you are interested, I recommend this subject! :Landscape ecology, public policy


Message: The SDGs are international goals listed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Along with leaving no one behind, the key point of this agenda is that the 17 goals are indivisible and integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. This means that you can't achieve anything if you don't take action. In other words, it is possible to move the other two aspects around one aspect and make it better. Would you like to think together about ways to leverage the environment, especially the conservation of biodiversity, to move the economy and society?


Professor Nakao's research is introduced in ``Lecture video by Hokkaido University faculty members, ``To make clean energy greener.'' *Move to Yume Navi.

*This article introduces articles and videos currently posted on YumeNavi.