In response to the Ministry of the Environment's full-scale operation of the Natural Coexistence Site*¹ certification system starting in April 2023, Hokkaido University has applied for certification of the Uryu Research Forest (24,953ha), and will apply for certification on October 6, 2023. On Friday, the area was certified as a ``Site in Harmony with Nature'' as an area that contributes to the conservation of biodiversity.
In the future, the area (24,255 ha) excluding the overlap with the protected area of the Uryu Research Forest, the Wildlife Sanctuary (698 ha), will be registered in the OECM*² international database.
Our university utilizes its intellectual and physical assets to solve global issues and contribute to local communities, contributing to the achievement of the 30by30*³ goals, as well as climate change countermeasures and biodiversity conservation (Nature Positive). We will work to promote integrated sustainability to achieve both.
For more information, please click here. *Go to Hokkaido University’s website.
*1: Natural coexistence site: An area where the government (Minister of the Environment) has certified an area where biodiversity is being conserved through private efforts.
*2:OECM: Abbreviation for Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures. Areas that contribute to biodiversity conservation other than protected areas such as national parks.
*3: 30by30... An international goal to effectively conserve more than 30% of land and sea as healthy ecosystems by 2030.

View of Uryu Research Forest from Lake Shumarinai