The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation x Sustainability Grand Prize 2023 uses a newly established evaluation method by the Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Technology Association to evaluate activities and results related to improving resilience and SDGs in disaster prevention and mitigation from the perspective of their contribution and dissemination. It is something that is bestowed upon you.

Among the awards, our university's efforts won the Global Award and the Excellence Award in the Academy & Junior Academy category of the ``Disaster Prevention/Mitigation x SDGs Award''.


Disaster Prevention/Mitigation x SDGs Award Academy & Junior Academy Category Global Award/Excellence Award

Name: Succeeded in observing the three-dimensional structure of the eye of a typhoon
Yukihiro Takahashi, Representative Professor, Faculty Faculty of Science Hokkaido University
Kazuya Yoshida, Representative Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University


For more information, please click here. *Go to Hokkaido University’s website.


*An interview article with this year's award winner, Professor Yukihiro Takahashi, is published on this website. Matching please see.

“Tackling global challenges with microsatellites” Professor Yukihiro Takahashi (Graduate Faculty of Science)