The 6th installment of the "Field of Knowledge" series has been released.
"Field of Knowledge" is a series project that focuses on Hokkaido University's vast research and education fields and approaches the cutting-edge knowledge cultivated there. Hokkaido University's research and educational facilities span the Sapporo and Hakodate campuses, as well as all over Hokkaido and Wakayama. The total area of the research forest, ranch, marine laboratory, etc. is approximately 70,000 hectares, making it one of the largest facilities in the world owned by a single university. The "Field of Knowledge" series spotlights Hokkaido University's vast research and educational fields and explores the cutting-edge knowledge cultivated there.
〇 “Field of Knowledge” series *You will be redirected to the university’s core website (#4 will be redirected to YouTube due to the advance release of the video)
#1 Hokkaido University Shizunai Research Farm “Livestock research in the forest”
#2 Hokkaido University Sapporo Farm “The secret of the vitality that spreads underground”
#3 Hokkaido University Yoichi Orchard “Dreams that grow in the northern land”
#4 Hokkaido University Sapporo Farm “Traditional beef that opens up the future”
#6 Hokkaido University Wakayama Research Forest “Green Shining Unknown Forest”