HSI国際交流イベントを運営する「HSI Team OMOTENASHI」は、*Hokkaido Summer institute(以下、HSI) と新渡戸カレッジの協力のもと「HSI SDGs Challenge Competition 2022」を8月27日に開催します。


今年度のテーマは「Sustainable Production and Consumption ~Rethinking Our Lifestyle during the Pandemic~」です。




お申込み等、詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。※HSI Team OMOTENASHのウェブサイトに移動します。


*Hokkaido Summer Institute(HSI)毎年夏の期間に海外大学等から一線級の研究者を北海道大学招へいし英語を使用言語として開催される国内大学最大のサマースクールで

詳しくはこちらをご確認ください。※Hokkaido Summer Institute(HSI)のウェブサイトに移動します。


HSI Team OMOTENASHI, student volunteers of HSI (Hokkaido Summer Institute), will host the HSI SDGs Challenge Competition 2022 on August 27.


This year’s theme is “Sustainable Production and Consumption ~Rethinking Our Lifestyle during the Pandemic~”
The background material “Rethinking Our Lifestyle during the Pandemic” is also available. Please click here.


English presentations on the theme will be given by HU students and HSI students around the world. Apart from awarding by the judges, the vote from the audience will also decide the Audience Award winner. HSI Team OMOTENASHI are now looking for audience members.


For more information including audience recruitment, please click here. (Go to the HSI Team OMOTENASH website)

Original text