Call for participants for the 2024 government-academia collaboration program "Carbon Neutral Summer Short-Term Learning Program"
- Internal Only
Special Lecture: “Australia-Japan cooperation in the Indo Pacific – Security, climate/energy, education, science and technology”
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students
A new video and article have been released on the “Understanding the Impact of Climate Change” special website.
Two Hokkaido University projects selected under the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program for FY2024
Announcement of “New Area Exploration Symposium 2024” hosted by Research Center for Mathematics for Social Creativity and Hitachi Hokkaido University Lab
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
"Future-oriented workshop - Sapporo's climate change and decarbonization action" will be held
- Internal Only
[Call for Abstracts] The 9th GEWEX-OSC (9th Global Energy And Water Exchanges Open Science Conference)
- Host
- Perform/Present
GEWEX (Global Energy And Water Exchanges)
Announcement of self-driving vehicle exhibition
- Host
- General Public
Announcement of the second special series jointly held by Hokkaido University Museum Biomimetics Citizen Seminar and Chitose University of Science and Technology Open Science Park Chitose
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public