An event at Chikaho held by Nitobe College

With the aim of developing global citizens who can demonstrate leadership and contribute to global goals, we offer Nitobe College, an interdisciplinary six-year Education Program for undergraduate and graduate students.
Nitobe College Fellows and Mentors, alumni of our university, who have abundant international experience are deeply involved in the operation of this program.
In AY2019, as part of the Nitobe College curriculum for undergraduate students, a special lecture was given by Mr. Kazuo Tase (the CEO of SDG Partners, Inc.) on the subject of SDGs. Additionally, students were joined one of eight Fellow Seminars to consider solutions to various issues (including SDGs) discovered during on-site observations. The results were shared during the Fellow Seminar Presentation Event. . (Click the link below to watch a video overview of Nitobe College curriculum for undergraduate students)
For graduate students, problems issues dealing with SDGs were covered in the Graduate Education Course offered within the Honors Program. Japanese students teamed up with international students to consider solutions to various problems from local and global perspectives.

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