Graduate School of Engineering strives to pass on the achievements of scholarship that have been accumulated over the long history of mankind, and to create new science and technology based on these achievements. The educational goal is to develop human resources who have acquired basic knowledge and who have diverse knowledge, thinking skills, judgment, and practical skills that can flexibly respond to globalization, advancement of science and technology, and interdisciplinary research fields. is. This goal set by Graduate School of Engineering is exactly the development of human resources to achieve the SDGs.
The courses currently offered by Graduate School of Engineering cover 7 of the 17 development goals of the SDGs. Affordable and Clean Energy, one of the SDGs, "Special Lecture on Energy and Environmental Systems: Energy Issues Surrounding Automobiles and Future Responses," is just one example. In addition, the “Robust Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Engineering International Collaborative Research and Education Center”, which is conducted in collaboration with various departments within Hokkaido University, such as engineering, agriculture, and science, as well as companies, farmers, and other universities, has achieved 11 of the SDGs. It is a project that covers Under this project, Graduate School of Engineering is developing doctoral human resources who are well versed in the SDGs.
In order to contribute to Hokkaido, Japan, and the world, Graduate School of Engineering has historically conducted practical education and research in various fields and pioneered new research fields that meet the needs of society. We are also active in joint research with companies, and we have a track record of contributing to society through this. There are many international students, joint research with foreign countries is actively carried out, and global activities are also active. Graduate School of Engineering will continue to practice education and research that support the sustainable development of the world.