The SDGs are supported by the principle (human security) that all people should be freed from poverty and fear and have equal opportunities to develop their potential. Education is an essential component of human security (SDG4).
At Graduate School of Education, our primary objective is to develop research capabilities that focus on social exclusion and poverty. For example, we will elucidate educational problems that arise in connection with abuse, bullying, school refusal, social withdrawal, poverty of children and families, marginalized areas, etc. We are cultivating researchers who can propose guidelines (SDGs2).
Second, promote basic and clinical research on support for achieving physical and mental health (SDGs3), and research on capacity development and equality for working people (SDGs5) so that everyone can live a better life. We train researchers who will open up a practical vision for a society where
Thirdly, regarding ESD, which is education for achieving the SDGs, we have prepared a special program to reexamine the concept of development through the issue of coexistence with indigenous peoples, in collaboration with overseas partner universities.
In this way, our school aims to develop leaders with the research capabilities to achieve the SDGs from an international perspective. Graduates are expected not only to become university teachers in fields such as education, psychology, childcare, welfare, and sports, but also to advance creative work for "human security" at local governments and NPOs. I'm here. We hope that people who are interested in researching children, young people, and people of all kinds will join our research.