The 17 goals of the SDGs are poverty, hunger, health and welfare, education, gender, water, energy, job satisfaction, industry and innovation, inequality, sustainable urban development, consumption and lifestyles, climate change, marine abundance, and land. It encompasses diverse areas such as the prosperity of the world, peace and justice, and global partnerships. In fact, almost all of these are closely related to what can be studied at Graduate School of Economics and Business.
Issues such as poverty, hunger, water problems, and inequality are covered by areas such as development economics, welfare economics, and public economics. In addition, discussions on gender are widely and actively developed in both economics and business administration. These goals are inseparable from climate change, marine and land affluence, and global partnerships, and these are the subject of research in academic fields such as environmental economics, international economics, and international management. Consumption and daily life are directly dealt with by the fields of economics, business administration, and accounting and finance. There are also academic disciplines that deal with In addition, disciplines such as econometrics, economic statistics, and operations research (OR) provide econometric and quantitative approaches that provide a basis for analysis and consideration of any of the 17 goals. Masu. In this way, there are many things you can learn at Graduate School of Economics and Business.
In today's world, everything is closely related to economic activity, and economic activity and the SDGs are also closely related. Thinking in this way, Graduate School of Economics and Business can be said to be the most suitable graduate school for understanding the SDGs.