2024.10.17 国立アイヌ民族博物館、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター主催シンポジウム「ニュージーランド国立博物館 テ・パパ・トンガレワの現在」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.10.11 日本学術会議北海道地区会議、北海道大学 主催「北海道から多文化共生を考える」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.10.11 Announcement of "Hokkaido University Space Research Forum Kick-off Symposium" HostPerform/Present
2024.10.11 Announcement of the Lecture by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan, "Cooperation for the Future of Eurasia: Dialogue between Ukraine and Japan" Host
2024.10.10 Announcement of the SRCW/CGR Co-Creation Seminar for the Real World: "What are the Global Risks of Nuclear Weapons in the Post-Cold War Era?" HostPerform/Present
2024.10.09 Announcement of Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2024 Open Lecture Series "The Silk Road: Intersecting Time, Space, and Discipline" HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.10.08 Announcement of Hokkaido University Museum 7th Saturday Public Seminar in 2024, "Sustainability at Hokkaido University" HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students