2024.01.11 半導体トークイベント「半導体に夢を持てるのか、輪になって躍ろう北海道! ~Society 5.0を支えるために、未来を展望する~」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.01.05 Hokkaido-Melbourne University Joint Seminar「Eurasian Migration Past, Present and Future」 HostPerform/PresentGeneral Public
2023.12.19 市民公開講座「メディア・ジェンダー・教育「日中関係の多様性」を考える ~中国最強インフルエンサーが見た”ニッポン”~」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2023.12.18 Announcement of the 2023 10th Saturday Citizen Seminar “Know the Bears and Learn from the Bears” HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2023.12.15 Announcement of the 66th Clock Tower Salon “Let’s ask School of Agriculture” HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2023.12.15 Announcement of the University Library “Book Exhibition Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” HostGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2023.12.12 Announcement of publication commemorative conversation “Ainu Moyamoya” HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students Ainu and ethnic coexistence