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Hokkaido University and Hakodate City Sign Comprehensive Partnership Agreement
Professor Shigeru Aoki Institute of Low Temperature Science selected as leader of the 67th Antarctic Research Expedition (for the second time)
Professor Kuniharu Takei of Faculty of Information Science and Technology receives the 21st Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Prize (2024)
Agreement signed with imec in the semiconductor field
Announcement of the publication of "GHG inventory"
Announcement of the release of "Hokkaido University Sustainability Report 2024"
Uryu Research Forest and Sapporo Campus are now registered in the OECM International Database
The School of Media and Communication Studies and the School of Journalism at Renmin University of China signed an academic exchange agreement
Research Faculty of Agriculture holds opening ceremony for "Regional Revitalization System Design Laboratory"
The Ebola virus antigen rapid diagnostic kit "QuickNavi™-Ebola" has been approved for domestic use in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.