30by30 is an international goal that aims to effectively conserve at least 30% of land and sea as healthy ecosystems by 2030. Hokkaido University has a wide variety of fields, including a vast campus and a research forest with a total area of approximately 70,000 ha (approximately 0.2% of Japan's land area). We have contributed to conservation. In June 2022, we launched the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity, the first national university to do so, in order to promote integrated sustainability that balances climate change countermeasures and biodiversity conservation (nature positivity). We are participating in the following activities.
Application and certification as a natural coexistence site
A nature coexistence site is an area that has been certified by the government (Minister of the Environment) as an area where biodiversity conservation is being carried out through private initiatives.
Hokkaido University has applied for and been approved for the following areas.
- Uryu Research Forest*² (24,953ha) Certification date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 (certified site in the first half of 2020)
- Sapporo campus*³ (126ha) Certification date: Monday, March 18, 2024 (certified site in the second half of 2020)
Enrollment in OECM
Of the areas that have been certified as nature-friendly sites, those that do not overlap with protected areas have been registered in the OECM*¹ international database.
Hokkaido University has applied for and been approved for the following areas.
- Hokkaido University – Uryu Experimental Forest
Registered area: 24,170 ha (area certified as a nature-friendly site, excluding areas that overlap with protected areas (wildlife protection areas))
https://www.protectedplanet.net/555781412 - Hokkaido University – Sapporo Campus
Registered area: 126 ha (all areas certified as nature-friendly sites)
Abbreviation for Other Effective area-based conservation measures. Areas that contribute to biodiversity conservation other than protected areas such as national parks.
*² Uryu Research Forest
Uryu Research Forest is one of seven research forests in Hokkaido and other parts of the Forest Station of Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere. Established in 1901, it is located in one of the snowiest areas in Japan and is a habitat for precious wildlife, including the endangered Hucho. The forest is a mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest, with evergreen conifers such as red spruce and deciduous broadleaf trees such as Japanese oak and white birch. Research aimed at collecting basic information on biodiversity over the long term, such as the Ministry of the Environment's Monitoring 1000 Project, research on measures to combat worsening climate change, and forest management that takes biodiversity into consideration have been carried out here.
*³ Sapporo Campus
The campus is home to a vast biological production research farm and a research forest (experimental nursery), and boasts one of the largest campuses in the country (177ha) located in an urban area. While it is lined with many educational facilities, the ecosystems of the primeval forest, which is part of Sapporo's original landscape, the remains of the memu where the underground water of the Toyohira River springs out, and the diverse flora and fauna, including rare species, have been well preserved for many years. Under the leadership of the Ecological Environment Management Working Group of the Campus Management Department of Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, which is made up of faculty and staff from the university with specialized knowledge and skills in ecosystems and green spaces, the results of the ecological environment survey (biological survey) that has been conducted annually since 2009 are used to conserve and manage the green spaces sustainably in accordance with the Ecological Environment Conservation Management Policy. The areas on the Sapporo Campus that have been certified as nature-friendly sites are: Here Please see.
Related Links
- Hokkaido University Related Links
- Hokkaido University PRESS RELEASE “Uryu Research Forest certified as a nature coexistence site ~ Contributing to climate change countermeasures and biodiversity conservation ~”
- Hokkaido University x SDGs “Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Forest Station Uryu Research Forest has been certified as a nature coexistence site”
- Hokkaido University PRESS RELEASE “Sapporo campus certified as a “Nature Symbiotic Site” by the Ministry of the Environment”
- Hokkaido University x SDGs “Sapporo Campus has been certified as a “Site in Harmony with Nature” by the Ministry of the Environment”
- Hokkaido University (English site) "Hokkaido University sites registered in an international biodiversity conservation database"
- Ministry of the Environment, other related links
- Regarding the certification results for the first half of 2020 as a “site in harmony with nature” (Ministry of the Environment press release material)
- Detailed information on Hokkaido University Uryu Research Forest (List of certified sites in harmony with nature by the Ministry of the Environment)
- Regarding the certification results for the second half of 2020 as a “site in harmony with nature” (Ministry of the Environment press release material)
- Hokkaido University Sapporo campus detailed information (List of certified sites in harmony with nature by the Ministry of the Environment)
- 30 by 30 Related sites (on the Ministry of the Environment website)
- Registration of nature-friendly sites in an international database (on the Ministry of the Environment website)
*Updated September 4, 2024