Our university's Ainu and Indigenous Studies Center will hold the second 2023 monthly lecture, "Decolonizing Education and Creating a Safe Space for Discussion at Yukon University in Canada," on December 22nd.


Canada's history of colonization has created trauma among Indigenous peoples that continues to have profound effects today. In Yukon Territory, the participation of Indigenous people in university activities and primary and secondary education is progressing, and by talking about their experiences of discrimination and abuse at boarding schools, they are passing on the history and creating a healing effect. This activity can be said to be a practical example of education that aims to understand and consider the magnitude of the injuries suffered by victims, while also linking the sharing of experiences to the improvement of society. In this lecture, he will talk about Canada's history of colonization, the process by which traumatized Indigenous people became storytellers, and the environment that supports this process.


Click here for more information. *You will be redirected to the website of our university's Ainu and Indigenous Research Center.