The Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, Hokkaido University held a pre-event of the G7 Climate, Energy, and Environment Ministerial Meeting on March 13, 2023, titled “Hokkaido University’s Collaboration Toward a Zero Carbon Society – From global warming countermeasures, through biodiversity conservation to achieving the SDGs.”
The G7 Ministerial Conference on Climate, Energy and Environment is one of the ministerial meetings held associated with the G7 Summit. It is an important meeting that provides the basis for discussions at the G7 Summit, which is to be held in Sapporo on April 15 and 16.
The event report will be disclosed shortly.
Please click herefor more information. *Go to the website of Hokkaido University.

Attendees (From left to right) YAMAGUCHI Shinobu (Director, UNU-IAS), YOKOTA Atsushi (Executive Vice President, Hokkaido University), HOUKIN Kiyohiro (President, Hokkaido University), WADA Tokuya (Vice-Minister of the Environment), SUZUKI Naomichi (Governor of Hokkaido), AKIMOTO Katsuhiro (Mayor of Sapporo City)

Attendees (From left to right) BANSHO Katsuji (Director, Regional Environmental Office in Hokkaido, the Ministry of the Environment), KATO Satoru (professor, Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, Hokkaido University), NAKAO Fumiko (professor, Hokkaido University), KAWANOBE So (Deputy Director, Institute for International Collaboration, Hokkaido University), YOKOTA Atsushi (Executive Vice President, Hokkaido University), YAMAGUCHI Shinobu (Director, UNU-IAS), HOUKIN Kiyohiro (President, Hokkaido University), WADA Tokuya (Vice-Minister of the Environment), YOSHIOKA Tohru (Deputy Mayor, Sapporo City), IMAI Futoshi (Chief promotion officer (Zero Carbon), Hokkaido)