Research Faculty of Agriculture, Meiji Group, and Farm Note Group have begun an initiative regarding calf health.


To realize sustainable dairy farming, it is important to take care of the health of calves, which are the foundation of raw milk production. Meiji HD's research and development institute, Wellness Science Lab, has decided to start a research study on calf health in collaboration with Professor Satoshi Koike of the Graduate Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, an expert on livestock nutrition and the microflora in the digestive tract of cows, Farm Note DP, which operates its own farm, and Meiji Feed Co., Ltd., a Meiji Group company that sells feed. This study focuses on the digestive tract microflora, which is deeply involved in animal health, and will investigate over a long period of time how the digestive tract microflora changes as calves grow into adult cows. Through this research, we aim to obtain knowledge that will be useful for understanding the health of calves and for preventing and treating diseases.


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