The Survival Strategy Research Unit Slavic-Eurasian Research Center Hokkaido University (SRCW) and the Center for Global Risks, Nagasaki University (CGR) will hold the SRCW/CGR Co-Creation Seminar for the Real World, "The Global Environment Surrounding Humankind: Planetary Boundaries, Health, and Risks," on July 5th.


With the establishment of the Nagasaki University Global Risk Research Center, we will hold a collaborative seminar on real-world co-creation between the humanities and sciences. The first seminar will be on the theme of "The Global Environment Surrounding Humanity," and we will invite Professor Fumiko Kasuga, Vice Director of the center. This seminar is also part of the Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 's project "Building an International Platform for Research on Survival Strategies."


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the website of the Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center.