As part of the Arctic Science Acceleration Project (ArCS II), the National Institute of Polar Research will be hosting an Arctic event series, "Welcome to the Arctic!", and a science talk, "Plastic pollution spreading in the Arctic Ocean," on June 15th.


2024 will be the final year of ArCS II. In order to disseminate the current status of the Arctic and the results of ArCS II research to society, outreach events will be held throughout the year, mainly at the Antarctic and Arctic Science Museum of the National Institute of Polar Research, the representative institution. We will think together about where the microplastics that flow into the Arctic Ocean come from and where they are being carried. Professor Hiroji Ueno of the Graduate Faculty of Fisheries Sciences at Hokkaido University will serve as the facilitator for this event.


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the Arctic Research Acceleration Project (ArCS II) website.