北海道大学は、北海道科学技術総合振興センター、北海道立総合研究機構、セコマグループとともに食品の生産、流通、小売等のサプライチェーンにおけるフードロス問題の解決と歩留まり向上を目指し、フードロス削減コンソーシアムを2020年9月に設立しました。本コンソーシアムの設立に先立ち、北海道大学と株式会社セコマは、COI『食と健康の達人』拠点において、野菜の鮮度保持の超長期化に向けた実証実験を実施し、保管倉庫内の野菜の歩留まりが5%向上するなどの良好な結果が得られています。 こうした、サプライチェーンにおける食品の鮮度保持の最適化は、持続可能な生産・消費に寄与し、SDGsの達成のためにも重要な課題です。
本コンソーシアムは、フードロス問題の解決を目指し、北海道大学において研究開発された触媒による保存技術を基盤に、鮮度保持技術の実用化や普及に向けた活動を通して、SDGs に寄与する取り組みを進めています。
Food loss has become a global social and economic issue; its reduction is a global necessity.
In September 2020, Hokkaido University, together with the Northern Advancement Center for Science and Technology, Hokkaido Research Organization, and Secoma Co., Ltd., established a consortium with the aim of finding solutions to the issue of food loss and improving throughput yield in the food supply chain (food production, distribution, retail, etc.). Prior to the establishment of this consortium, Hokkaido University and Secoma Co., Ltd. conducted proof-of-concept testing of the ultra-long-term maintenance of vegetable freshness at the “Innovative Food and Healthcare Master” Center of Innovation (COI) site. Positive results have been obtained, such as a 5% improvement in the throughput yield of vegetables in storage facilities. Optimizing the preservation of food freshness in the supply chain contributes to sustainable production and consumption, and it is an important task on the route to achieving the SDGs.
This consortium aims to solve the food loss problem and has been undertaking efforts to contribute to the SDGs through activities aimed for the practical application and dissemination of freshness-keeping technology based on the catalyst-based technology for storing food products that was researched and developed at Hokkaido University.