Announcement of Hokkaido University Museum 5th Saturday Public Seminar in 2024, "Understanding the Anthropocene from Geological Strata"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Announcement of the "69th Conference of National University Research Institutes and Centers, First Division Symposium: SDGs x Problem-solving Research - Focusing on Practices in the Arctic Region"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Deep Sea and Life content has been published on Fish of the Month (FoM)

Announcement of the kickoff symposium for the Japan-PEAKS Program to Strengthen Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public

Joint project base "Renewable Energy Research & Education Center (REREC)"

Announcement of the 9th GEWEX-OSC Public Lecture
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Announcement of School of Fisheries Sciences' Open Lecture "The Whole Ocean Science!"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Announcement of the FY2024 Graduate Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Open Lecture "Technologies and challenges in biology: Clues to solving environmental issues"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students

Announcement of the ArCS II event series "Welcome to the Arctic!" Science Talk "Plastic pollution spreading in the Arctic Ocean"
- Host
- Perform/Present

Announcement of the facility open event "Challenges for a Sustainable Future"
- Host
- Perform/Present
- General Public
- High School Students