Under the four University Philosophies of our university, the Faculty of School of Engineering aims to foster engineers and engineering researchers who can take responsibility for society and the environment in the 21st century, boldly take on the challenge of technological innovation, and open up new industries and civilizations. Our educational goal is to develop highly skilled professionals. The underlying philosophy is to contribute to society by making human life more comfortable and prosperous through engineering. You can see that the philosophy of School of Engineering itself includes the same philosophy as the SDGs.
The lectures currently offered by School of Engineering cover 7 of the 17 development goals of the SDGs. "Sewage engineering" and "Environmental system engineering" to learn one of the SDGs "6. Safe water and toilets around the world" from an engineering perspective, "9. Build a foundation for industry and technological innovation", "11. To learn about the content related to the three goals of "Creating sustainable communities" and "13. Concrete measures to combat climate change" ~Relationship between life and civil engineering/construction technology' is just a few examples. Through these educations, School of Engineering fosters engineers and engineering researchers who can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
Historically, the Faculty of School of Engineering has produced engineers and engineering researchers who are active in various fields and pioneer new research fields that meet the needs of society in order to contribute to Hokkaido, Japan, and the world. We will continue to train engineers and engineering researchers who will support the sustainable development of the world.