2024.09.12 子ども発達臨床研究センター公開講座「【第2回】インターカルチュラル(異文化間)教育とは? ― イタリアから学ぶ多文化共生のヒント」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.10 市民公開シンポジウム「北海道大学から新しい世界を考える -Be ambitious! 未来への提言-」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.10 CoSTEP第137回 サイエンス・カフェ札幌「ウイスキーと、これからの林業。~お木遣い感謝いたします~」開催のお知らせ HostPerform/PresentGeneral Public
2024.09.05 Announcement of Research Faculty of Media and Communication open lecture series "Let's all put it into practice! Language education for solving social issues" (4 lectures) HostPerform/PresentGeneral Public
2024.09.03 Announcement of Hokkaido University Museum 6th Saturday Public Seminar in 2024, "From the Environment and People's Health to Global Health" HostPerform/PresentGeneral PublicHigh School Students
2024.09.02 Announcement of the SRCW/CGR Co-creation Seminar for the Real World: "Interdependence and Peace: Will Economics Overcome Politics?" HostPerform/Present
2024.08.30 Notice of recruitment of participants for the "Entrepreneurship Development Seminar" and "Fisheries Science Seminar" of the "CREEN Human Resource Development Curriculum" in FY2024 HostPerform/PresentGeneral Public
2024.08.29 Announcement of Tripartite Co-hosted Seminar "Considering Exchanges between Japan and Central Asia in the Amidst Changes in International Relations" HostPerform/Present
2024.08.23 Announcement of the holding of "Career Thinking: Identifying Issues in Modern Society and Proposing Solutions - Thinking about the Future with Seniors from School of Science 2024" HostInternal Only
2024.08.22 Announcement of the "Training Seminar on Supporting Students with Disabilities in Higher Education (FD/SD)" Host
2024.08.21 Hokkaido University Museum looking to recruit participants for its "Plant Parataxonomist Training Course (Intermediate)" HostGeneral Public