Tara Océan Japan, in cooperation with Blue Carbon researchers, is crowdfunding "Hope for Global Warming|Support the Urgent Large-Scale Study of Blue Carbon! Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, and Professor Masahiro Nakaoka and Associate Professor Tomonori Isada of the Atsugishi Coastal Research Laboratory have also endorsed this initiative.
Blue carbon is carbon that is absorbed and stored in the ocean by the action of marine organisms. The ecosystem that produces this blue carbon is called the "blue carbon ecosystem." It is expected to contribute to global warming countermeasures as an ecosystem that can absorb CO2, which is thought to be the cause of global warming. Not only that, but it also plays an important role as a ``cradle of life'' as it is home to a variety of marine life.
On the other hand, many of the complex mechanisms underlying the formation of blue carbon are still unknown. Blue carbon research is now urgently needed in order to preserve our rich oceans for the future.
We sincerely appreciate your support for blue carbon surveys, research, and awareness activities.
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Masahiro Nakaoka (Director, Akkeshi Marine Experiment Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere)