On Monday, July 3, 2023, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (JAL) and our Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education jointly held the "JAL x Hokkaido University SDGs Workshop*." Among the proposals submitted by students at this workshop, the ``Good Idea Award'' was awarded to the proposal that JAL would like to actually work on as a project, and a brush-up meeting was held. We would like to inform you that this situation has been made public.

Good Idea Award Winner
  • Sora Takasaki, 3rd year School of Engineering
  • Shinji Noguchi, 2nd year doctoral student Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering


Click here for more information about the Good Idea Award. *You will be redirected to the website of our Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education.


*JAL x Hokkaido University SDGs Workshop

JAL and our university held this workshop with the aim of deepening understanding of SDGs through actual corporate activities and helping students grow as human resources who can contribute to society. At the workshop, the participating students made suggestions in advance to JAL, such as ``things they would like JAL to work on'' and ``things that can be implemented in society by collaborating with JAL based on their own research results.'' The event was held in a format where proposals were evaluated. More than 100 proposals were submitted in advance, and on the day of the workshop, many proposals were made, inspired by the lectures and each other's proposals.


For more information on the JAL x Hokkaido University SDGs Workshop, please click here. *You will be redirected to the website of our Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education.


Group photo at the brush-up meeting (the fourth person from the left is Shinji Noguchi (second year doctoral student Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering))


Sora Takasaki (3rd year School of Engineering) also received the Good Idea Award.