Hokkaido University Hospital aims to establish a PICU* in the early 2030s through the crowdfunding service "READYFOR," and aims to maintain 24-hour pediatric intensive care by recruiting doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and clinical staff in charge of pediatric intensive care. In order to develop human resources such as engineers and physical therapists, we have released the book ``Continuing to be close to small lives.Establishing a ``Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)'' in Hokkaido.''

We are collecting donations from today, July 3, 2023 (Monday) to August 31, 2023 (Thursday), with a goal of 7 million yen.


If the PICU takes care of critically ill pediatric patients with multiple organ failure, we will be able to accept more patients from within Hokkaido. I believe that if we can reduce the burden on local pediatricians even a little, we will be able to protect the health of children throughout Hokkaido.


For more information, please click here. *Go to Hokkaido University’s website.


*PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)

It is a type of ward for children of a wide range of ages from the newborn stage onwards (generally under 15 years old), and team medical care is provided by doctors, nurses, therapists, and other professions. It is a type of ICU in which pediatric intensive care physicians are on duty full-time and provide intensive care 24 hours a day, but the number of ICUs is currently far smaller than in NICUs, which provide intensive care for newborns.