Our university's Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Bifuka Town, Hokkaido, and SoftBank Corp. have entered into an industry-academia-government collaboration agreement in March 2023 with the aim of establishing excellent strains of practical farmed sturgeon using IoT, AI, and biology. It was concluded on the 28th.
Through this collaboration agreement, our university's biological knowledge of sturgeon, Bifuka Town's advanced breeding technology, and Softbank's IoT and AI will work closely together to promote the project. In the future, by creating superior strains for sturgeon farming, we aim not only to produce high-quality caviar at a low price, but also to establish new technologies in the fisheries field.
Click here for the university's press release. *You will be redirected to the university's core website.
Click here for details on the collaboration agreement ceremony and commemorative lecture. *You will be redirected to the website of our Faculty of Fisheries Sciences.

Photo: Hakodate Campus Administration Department General Affairs