On Thursday, February 9, 2023, a symposium was held co-sponsored by Hokkaido University and QUICK Co., Ltd. entitled “Transition to a decarbonized society: Hokkaido University’s climate change initiatives and multi-actor co-creation” (Sponsor: Stock At Nikkei BP Consulting), President Kiyohiro Hokane gave a lecture titled ``Excellence in Step with Society - Hokkaido University'' about Hokkaido University's vision, the university's role in a decarbonized society, and Hokkaido University's initiatives.
At the symposium, Mr. Ishikawa, an analyst at the QUICK ESG Institute, summarized the points at issue regarding the current state of climate change as a common issue for all humanity and the role of universities towards a decarbonized society. Focusing on our vision "HU Vision 2030," we talked about our university's progress toward promoting sustainability, our efforts and contributions toward a decarbonized society, and the role of the university.
Mr. Ishikawa explained that universities are required to contribute to a decarbonized society by achieving carbon neutrality on campus and coexisting with local communities, mainly through research and education, and in order to achieve these , it was shown that university management such as governance and financial strength is important. On the other hand, it was pointed out that operating expenses subsidies from the government to national universities are on the decline, and that universities are required to secure a variety of financial sources other than operating expenses subsidies. President Hokane expressed his enthusiasm for Hokkaido University to consider issuing sustainability-related bonds (ESG bonds) unique to Hokkaido University in the future, leveraging its strengths in the philosophy and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability since its founding. I did.
In the panel discussion, universities, companies, asset owners, environmental NGOs/UN PRI, and ESG experts gathered to talk about the ideal form of multi-actor co-creation towards a decarbonized society, the role of universities in this, and the impact that their efforts will have on the world. A lively discussion was held regarding (sustainable outcomes).
President Hokane said, ``It is extremely difficult to measure the social impact of universities.For example, I believe that the graduate impact that graduates create after they enter the workforce is difficult to measure because it appears over a 10-year period. I hope that investors will evaluate the future impact and invest in ESG bonds issued by universities even if interest rates are low.''Nissay Asset Management President Ozeki said that in Europe and the United States, financial・It was commented that even if the returns are low, investments are made based on the evaluation of impact returns. In addition, in response to a question from a participant about what is necessary and what are the barriers to further promoting industry-government-academia-industry collaboration towards a decarbonized society, CDP Board Director and PRI Senior Lead Morisawa said that the top management of the organization It was pointed out that we need to gain knowledge and knowledge, look at where the world is heading in the long term, and consider and make decisions about who we should collaborate with.
Although it is true that investors' behavior patterns generally tend to be influenced by high financial returns, it is necessary to create a major trend of "multi-actor co-creation" to maintain and realize a sustainable international society. As stated by President Mizuguchi of Takasaki University of Economics, ``the world fosters international trust and is at peace'' (SSP Scenario/SSP1 in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report), and each university, including universities, It was once again recognized that actor governance management is important.
This symposium was held on the occasion of Hokkaido University being the first domestic university to respond to the CDP climate change questionnaire in 2022 (click here for details).

Kiyohiro Houkin, President of Hokkaido University

President Hokin giving a lecture

Mr. Akira Fujisaki from the Research and Development Division of Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. introduces the joint research between Furukawa Electric and our university.

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

From left: Mr. Hirose of QUICK ESG Institute, Mr. Fujisaki of Furukawa Electric, President Hokin of Hokkaido University, Mr. Ozeki of Nissay Asset Management, Mr. Morisawa of CDP/PRI, Mr. Mizuguchi of Takasaki University of Economics.
[Symposium overview]
“Transition to a decarbonized society: Hokkaido University’s climate change initiatives and multi-actor co-creation” symposium
Date and time: February 9, 2023 (Thursday) 15:00-17:30
Co-sponsors: Hokkaido University, QUICK Co., Ltd.
Sponsored by: Nikkei BP Consulting Co., Ltd.
Cooperation: Nikkei Media Promotion Co., Ltd.
- Greetings from the CEO Mr. Shinzo Takami, President and Representative Director of QUICK Co., Ltd.
- “The current state of climate change and the role of universities towards a decarbonized society”
Eriko Ishikawa, Analyst, QUICK ESG Institute Co., Ltd. - Lecture “Excellence in step with society – Hokkaido University Excellence & Extension”
Kiyohiro Hokane, President of Hokkaido University - Panel discussion “Co-creation towards carbon neutrality in 2050”
Mr. Akira Fujisaki, Executive Officer and General Manager of Research and Development Division, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
Mr. Hiroshi Ozeki, President and Representative Director of Nissay Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Mitsuyo Morisawa, CDP Director/PRI Senior Lead
Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi, President of Takasaki University of Economics
Kiyohiro Houkin, President of Hokkaido University
QUICK ESG Research Institute, Inc. Executive Advisor Etsuya Hirose