Hokkaido University Museum will hold the "Bonebora Specimen Exhibition" from March 25th to April 13th.


The Archaeological (Bone) Volunteers (commonly known as Honebola) are one of the volunteer groups at the museum. Since 2013, they have been working on specimening birds and mammals. In order to make use of them in future research, they leave as much specimen-ready material as possible, such as skeletons, skin, feathers, muscles (DNA samples), and internal organs (liquid-soaked specimens). They also produce freeze-dried specimens and stuffed animals. Every Wednesday, a wide range of specimen lovers, from university students to junior high school students and working adults, gather at a certain place in the museum to have fun. They select and exhibit their beloved specimens, each with their own thoughts, that they would love to show to everyone.


Click here for more information. *You will be redirected to Hokkaido University Museum website.