The Hokkaido University Mathematics and Data Science Education and Research Center, the Institute of Statistical Mathematics of the Inter-University Research Institute Corporation Information & Systems Research Organization, and the Statistical Thinking School's open-call human resource development project 2024-Thinking School-7008 ``Training Workshop for Improving the Teaching Skills of Statistical and Data Science for Science and Mathematics Teachers'' will hold a ``Training Workshop for Improving the Teaching Skills of Statistical and Data Science for Science and Mathematics Teachers'' on March 8th.


As AI and digital technology become widespread, the number of situations requiring data analysis and utilization is rapidly increasing, raising concerns about a global shortage of data analytics personnel. In response to this, industry, government, and academia are working together to systematize and smoothly implement data science education that combines statistical science, computer science, mathematical science, and service science. In particular, the strengthening of mathematics, data science, and AI education at universities nationwide is accelerating, and the nature of "high school-university connected education" that connects high schools and universities is becoming an important theme. This training conference will share information and exchange opinions among teachers who are working to improve their teaching skills in the field of education, with the aim of systematically cultivating data scientists who have knowledge of statistical mathematical science and information science and can utilize big data, and human resources who can play an active role in interdisciplinary fields. In particular, while attention has been focused on the expansion of statistics and data analysis units in mathematics in the new high school curriculum guidelines, the use of data in the newly established compulsory subject "Information I," the development of data science education in the elective subject "Information II," and how to respond to university entrance exams, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology also published new guidelines at the end of last year for the dissemination of generative AI and its use in each subject. In light of this background, we will share and discuss information on practical examples of lessons that contribute to problem solving using frameworks for elementary, junior high and high school collaboration, high school, university and society collaboration, industry-academia-government collaboration, regional collaborative lesson initiatives, and national-level evaluation frameworks with a wide range of people involved in education.


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the Hokkaido University Mathematics and Data Science Education and Research Center website.