As part of Homecoming Day 2024, Hokkaido University's Faculty of Education will hold an open day entitled "For those who cannot remain indifferent to bullying" on September 28th.


The damage caused by bullying is very large and deep-rooted. It causes great damage not only to the person involved, but also to those around them who share time and space with them. That is why, while we want to stop bullying, we hesitate to do so, fearing that taking action will make the damage worse, or even harm us. When faced with bullying, what can we do? In this lecture, Professor Hiromichi Kato of the Graduate Faculty of Education who specializes in developmental psychology and has researched the mysteries of problems such as delinquency, bullying, school refusal, and social withdrawal during adolescence, will be the speaker, and Yukiko Izumi, a reporter for HBC Hokkaido Broadcasting, who has spoken on the worries and suffering of people who are considered social minorities as a reporter, will pose questions. Through this dialogue, I would like to explore with you the characteristics of bullying during the developmental process of adolescence and what each of us can do to prevent bullying from becoming serious.


For more information, please click here. *You will be redirected to the Hokkaido University Faculty of Education website.