The Hokkaido Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability SDGs Business Promotion Division and the Hokkaido Marathon Organizing Committee are working together, with the cooperation of Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Sapporo Research Forest, to install an "Ezo deer" panel made from wood from the Sapporo campus at a monument at the halfway point of the Hokkaido Marathon 2024 course.
This panel is made from trees (such as Japanese elm) that were unavoidably cut down during construction of the overpass (Kita 7-jo Nishi 10-chome), which was removed in October 2021.The design was selected from eight types of animals based on a survey of runners who entered this race.
The actual panel will be exhibited at the Hokkaido Marathon EXPO 2024 (Odori Park West 7-chome) on Friday, August 23rd and Saturday, August 24th, 2024, and will then be installed on top of the turnaround monument on Shinkawa-dori on the day of the race.
Planned by: Hokkaido University Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, Hokkaido Marathon Organizing Committee
Cooperation: Sapporo Research Forest Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University

Please take a look at this for more information.
[SDGs Initiatives] The animal panel to be placed on the turnaround monument has been decided to be "Ezo deer"! *Redirects to the Hokkaido Marathon website