Hokkaido University's Human Knowledge x Brain x AI Research and Education Center will hold the 44th CHAIN Seminar, "Making AI Understandable: The Goals, Methods, and Open Challenges of Explainable AI," on August 6th.


The talk will be in English, but questions will be accepted in Japanese during the Q&A session (the moderator will translate to the extent possible). As AI systems become increasingly embedded in critical decision-making processes, understanding their operation and outcomes is essential to meet societal demands such as trust, accountability, and fairness. This talk will explore the goals, methods, and open challenges of "Explainable AI (XAI)," an increasingly popular research field dedicated to understanding AI systems. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview of XAI and highlight its importance in facilitating the development and widespread adoption of socially desirable AI.


For more information, please see here. *You will be redirected to the website of the Hokkaido University Human Knowledge x Brain x AI Research and Education Center.